We have another extended service coming up on Sunday Nov 24th. We have been doing this every few months so we can do some things we don't normally get to do when we gather together. The service will start at 10:30am as normal, but will go until noon instead of ending at 11:30am. Our kids ministry will also be extended, so you don't need to worry about your kiddos. I also want to take a moment to remember that Jesus is our King. No matter what happens in politics or with the economy, the only way things are going to get better is through the heart-changing work of Jesus. We must remain united in our loyalty to the King of kings. Yes, we should show respect and honour to our leaders, and we should absolutely remember those who sacrificed so that we could have the life we have. Make no mistake though, no war and no political leader is going to ultimately save the world from sin and death. That's Jesus territory. He deserves our loyalty, praise, and honour above all others.
1. We have heat in the Red House!!!!! And, not only did we save thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars in labour costs thanks to our generous workers (volunteers), we also got a deal on the actual materials too! I don't know how we could have done this otherwise. 2. Someone shared with me this week that they don't read their Bible because they have never been a reader, and I was able to show them how to use the YouVersion Bible App to listen to the Bible instead of having to sit and read it! It makes me so happy when people are vulnerable and honest about their faith journey! 3. We sent a group to Encounter at Kingswood University last weekend and one of our teens decided to start following Jesus there! That's a miracle folks, a miracle! |
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On the Fence About JesusKeep Your Eyes on Jesus - Monday, November 4, 2024 After Jesus rose from the dead there was a lot of hostility from people about Jesus and they tried to reduce Him to being just a man or just a good guy. The author of Hebrews saw all this conflict and knew that it needed to be cleared up. He showed what the Old Testament said about the Saviour and how He couldn't just be a good man, He had to be so much more. Hebrews 1-3 The Old Testament doesn't allow Jesus to be anything but the complete solution. For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/media/2024-11-04-on-the-fence-about-jesus
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Worship NightSunday, November 17, at 7pm A night of worship. Songs, Prayer, and creative elements will be used to set aside time to simply focus on God and give Him glory. For more infomation visit:
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Holiday Grief Support NightThursday, November 28, 2024 As soon as November and December come along, it is hard to ignore, Christmas is on its way. Holidays are hard when we are grieving and Christmas can be particularly difficult. Everyone is busy preparing for the holiday and we just cannot seem to “get into the spirit”.
Drop in to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and get some information about getting through the Christmas Season while we grieve. Grief is not “choosy” it affects individuals and families, adults, teens and children are welcome. Registration is not required but is helpful. Please call (902) 667 9126 if you plan on attending.
For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/holiday-grief-support-night/2024-11-28
Dessert AuctionSaturday, December 7 at 7pm Pastor Evan takes the role of auctionneer as we auction off desserts to raise money for our annual Christmas Wrap-Up! For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/dessert-auction/2024-12-07
The Olive BranchTuesdays @ 6:30pm A SAFE PLACE to find community and freedom from your life controlling issues and destructive habits: substance abuse, behavioural or emotional/interpersonal issues which are out of control and result in negative outcomes like loss of relationships, employment, finances, health or safety.” The Olive Branch is a Bible Centered 12 step program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
Every Tuesday night starting at 6:30pm
For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/celebrate-recovery/2021-11-09
Konnect the TotsThursdays @9:30-11:30am Konnect the Tots is a playgroup for parents and kids that takes place every Thursday from 9:30-11:30 at Amherst Wesleyan Church (6 Maltby Ct). There are toys and activities set up in the basement of the church for kids to play with! Everyone is welcome! (Enter through the parking lot side door!) For more infomation visit:
English as a Second Language
Mondays at 7pm Come learn English and about life in Canada. This is open to everyone. We want to make this course available to everyone regardless of their economic situation. For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/english-as-a-second-language/2024-04-22
Konnect-PlayWednesdays at 5:45pm Join us at the West Highlands Elementary Gymnasium for games and lessons designed to help kids grow in their confidence and character development. For kids in Grades Primary to 6 For more infomation visit:
EDGE Youth
Teens Grades 6-12 - Fridays 6:30-8:30pm
For more infomation visit:
Stay Up to Date
You can also see our full calendar here! Download the Tithe.ly Church App and then search for the Amherst Wesleyan Church to stay connected with sermons, events, giving, social media and more! |