Stephen Ministry is a program that provides confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing periods of crisis, transition or difficulty.  Through Stephen Ministers – our hope and prayer is that people from our congregation and community don’t need to go through crises and difficulties alone. Who are Stephen Ministers?
  • Caring Christians who walk beside a hurting person providing the love and care they need to support them
  • Congregation members with care-giving abilities who are carefully selected to serve in this role
  • Trust worthy and accepting friends who listen, care, support, encourage and pray
  • Lay people who have received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care and support.
  • Individuals committed to strict confidence as they walk alongside others on a weekly long-term basis until both individuals feel it is appropriate to end the caring relationship
  • People who participate in regular supervision on a monthly basis to ensure they are providing the most effective care for their care receiver.

We all experience challenges in life, Stephen Ministers are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty such as: loss of a loved one, unemployment a job crisis, hospitalization, divorce or separation, loneliness or discouragement, terminal illness, spiritual crisis, chronic illness and many more obstacles or difficulties. Stephen Ministry is a confidential care ministry – all care remains private. If you could benefit from a Stephen Minister in your life, please contact us at